At VLC, we use the Gatsby Benchmarks to monitor, develop and improve our careers provision. Our offer is constantly changing as we build new and exciting links with local businesses, colleges and universities.
We ensure that pupils have the following:
Character Education - this happens not only through our PSHE and SMSC curriculum, but each pupil who comes to us is screened in emotional literacy and a bespoke package is put into place according to need. This helps our young people build the personal skills they needs for their future careers
Self-Awareness and Development - many of our pupils lack aspiration and inspiration for their futures. Pupils at VLC learn about their skills and strengths and how to celebrate these (please see our Relationships and Praise policy).
Career Exploration - We use our careers schemes to help our pupils research a variety of careers in KS2, 3 and 4. At KS4, all of our young people have fortnightly 1:1 sessions with either a groundwork mentor or our own careers advisor, Julia. Our KS4 programme, "Destination Dream Job", designed by Kerry Low helps our pupils to explore their skills, dreams and aspirations and find the very best route.
Raising Career Aspirations & Career Management - We actively challenge preconceptions about potential careers based on gender and previous understanding of further and higher education. Our list of link colleges and universities is growing. And potential for in person visits is becoming more possible as Covid restrictions relax. We have a range of industries who visit us to talk about their work and help our pupils to understand the huge variety of opportunities available to them in the work place.
Support with researching and applying for GCSE, Post 16 (Further Education, Higher Education, Apprenticeships and Employment Opportunities) - Julia and groundwork ensure that each of our pupils is given significant 1:1 help to apply for their choices for further education.
Employability Skills (CV, Mock Interview & Work experience) - we aim to help pupils on our school roll access to relevant work experience during their time in KS4